PHP Configuration changed. The autoload.php file is missing. Please run composer install or composer require vstelmakh/url-highlight. Please inform the staff about this problem.

"; exit; // Stop script execution } require $autoloadPath; // Check if UrlHighlight class exists using its fully qualified name if (!class_exists('VStelmakh\UrlHighlight\UrlHighlight')) { echo "

PHP Configuration changed. Run composer require vstelmakh/url-highlight. Please inform the staff about this problem.

"; exit; // Stop script execution } // Now we can use the use statement use VStelmakh\UrlHighlight\UrlHighlight; // Main logic of the script starts here $urlHighlight = new UrlHighlight(); $files = glob("./protokolle/osamc_*.txt"); foreach(array_reverse($files) as $file){ $path_parts = pathinfo($file); echo "

" . $path_parts['filename'] . "

"; echo "\n"; echo $urlHighlight->highlightUrls(file_get_contents($file)); echo "\n"; } // Remove fclose($out); as $out is not defined ?>