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synced 2025-02-23 04:48:23 +01:00
292 lines
14 KiB
292 lines
14 KiB
@media only screen and (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1250px) {
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.Navigation li a:hover span, .Navigation li.active a span { height: 79px; }
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.Product_sec li .left { width: 71.75%; }
#Container { width: 100%; }
.Middle_sec { width: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }
.Middle_sec .Center { width: 100%; padding: 0px 2% 0px 0% ; }
.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client1 { left: 37.5%; }
.Contact_sec { width: 100%;}
.Contact_sec .Center { width: 100%; padding: 0px 2%; }
.Contact_sec .Mapside { margin-left: -122px; padding: 34px 0 0; }
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/* Tablet Portrait size to standard 960 (devices and browsers) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
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.Middle_sec .Center { width: 100%; }
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.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client1 { left:37.2%; top: 186px; }
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footer { width: 100%; }
footer .center { width: 100%; padding: 15px 2%; }
/* Mobile Landscape Size to Tablet Portrait (devices and browsers) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
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.Navigation .triangle { display: none; }
.Navigation li a:hover span, .Navigation li.active a span {background: none; }
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.Product_sec li .left .Details p { text-align: center; }
#Container { width: 100%; }
.Middle_sec { width: 100%; padding: 0px; background: none; }
.Middle_sec .Center { width: 100%; }
.Middle_sec #Leftside { padding: 0px 0px; width: 100%; float: none; background: url(../img/Client-left-bg.jpg) top center no-repeat; }
.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client { margin-top: 0px; padding: 106px 65px 0px 65px; width: 306px; height: 306px; background-size: 100%; }
.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client2 { padding: 106px 65px 0px 65px; margin: 5px 0 0; width: 306px; height: 306px; background-size: 100%;}
.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client1 { left: 33.2%; top: 155px; padding: 66px 65px 0px 65px; width: 306px; height: 306px; background-size: 100%;}
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.Middle_sec #Rightside li { padding: 94px 0px; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li:last-child { padding-bottom: 94px; }
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.Middle_sec #Rightside li .Industrial img { margin: auto; padding-bottom: 30px; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li .Information { width: 100%; margin: auto; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li .Information li { float: none; display: inline-block; }
.Contact_sec { width: 100%; padding: 0px; background: none; height: auto;}
.Contact_sec .Center { width: 100%; padding: 0px 0% 0px 0%; }
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.Contactside { position: relative; background: none; height: auto; }
.map_sec { width: 100%; position: relative; height: 501px; }
footer { width: 100%; }
footer .Center { width: 100%; padding: 15px 2%; }
/* Mobile Portrait Size to Mobile Landscape Size (devices and browsers) */
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
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.header .Center { width: 100%; padding: 0px 6%; }
.header .arrow { right: 0%; bottom: 0px; width: 28% }
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.Top_Bar .site-logo img { width: 220px; }
.Navigation { width: 100%; margin-right: 0px; background:url(../img/menu-bg1.png) repeat-x; }
.Navigation li { line-height: 62px; }
.Navigation li a { padding: 0px 21px; }
.Navigation li.gap { margin-left: 0px; }
.Navigation li a span { padding: 0 0px;}
.Navigation li.gap a span { padding: 0px; }
.Navigation li.gap1 a span { padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; }
.Navigation li:last-child a { padding-right: 10px;}
.Navigation li a:hover, .Navigation li.active a { background: #1f252e; background-image: none; }
.Navigation .triangle { display: none; }
.Navigation li a:hover span, .Navigation li.active a span {background: none; }
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.Product_sec li .right .Details p { text-align: center; }
.Product_sec li .Details a { margin: auto; float: none; }
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.Product_sec li .left .img { margin: auto; float: none; padding-bottom: 30px;}
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.Product_sec li .left .Details h3 { font-size: 20px; }
.Product_sec li .left .Details p { text-align: center; }
#Container { width: 100%; }
.Middle_sec { width: 100%; padding: 0px; background: none; }
.Middle_sec .Center { width: 100%; }
.Middle_sec #Leftside { text-align: center; padding: 0px 0px; width: 100%; float: none; background: #222a35 url(../img/Client-left-bg.jpg) top center no-repeat; }
.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client { margin: auto; margin-top: 0px; padding: 106px 65px 0px 65px; width: 333px; height: 333px; background-size: 100%; }
.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client2 { margin: auto; padding: 106px 65px 0px 65px; width: 333px; height: 333px; background-size: 100%;}
.Middle_sec #Leftside .Client1 { margin: auto; left: 0%; top: 0px; position: relative; padding: 66px 65px 0px 65px; width: 333px; height: 333px; background-size: 100%;}
.Middle_sec #Rightside { margin-top: -1px; padding: 0px 6%; width: 100%; text-align: center; float: none; background: #2c3545; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li { padding: 94px 0px; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li:last-child { padding-bottom: 94px; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li .Industrial { float: none; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li .Industrial img { margin: auto; padding-bottom: 30px; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li .Information { width: 100%; margin: auto; }
.Middle_sec #Rightside li .Information li { float: none; display: inline-block; }
.Contact_sec { width: 100%; padding: 0px; background: none; height: auto;}
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.Contact_sec .Center { padding: 98px 6% 98px 6%; width: 100%; background:url(../img/contact-bg1.png) top center no-repeat; background-size: cover; position: relative; right: 0px; }
.Contact_sec .Form { position: relative; right: 0%; top: 0px; width: 100%;}
.Contact_sec .Form fieldset p { margin: 0 0 8px; }
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.map_sec { width: 100%; position: relative; height: 501px; }
footer { width: 100%; }
footer .Center { width: 100%; padding: 15px 2%; }
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
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width: 33.33%;
text-align: center;