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## Tilt Filter
## Nim translation of this Rust implementation:
## https://github.com/ardura/Actuate/blob/main/src/fx/ArduraFilter.rs
## Inspired by https://www.musicdsp.org/en/latest/Filters/267-simple-tilt-equalizer.html
## Lowpass, Bandpass, Highpass based off tilt filter code
import math
slopeNeg = -60.0
amp = 6.0 / ln(2.0)
denorm = pow(10.0, -30.0)
minFreq = 20.0
maxFreq = 20_000.0
FilterMode* = enum
fmLowPass, fmBandPass, fmHighPass
TiltFilter* = object
# Filter parameters
sampleRate: float64
centerFreq: float
steepness: float
mode: FilterMode
# Filter tracking / internal
needsUpdate: bool
sampleRateX3: float64
lowGain: float
highGain: float
a: float
b: float
lpOut: float
# Band pass separate vars
bandALow: float
bandBLow: float
bandOutLow: float
bandAHigh: float
bandBHigh: float
bandOutHigh: float
# Super useful function to scale an sample 0-1 into other ranges
proc scaleRange(sample, minOutput, maxOutput: float): float =
result = clamp(sample * (maxOutput - minOutput) + minOutput, minOutput, maxOutput)
proc initTiltFilter*(centerFreq, steepness: float, mode: FilterMode = fmLowPass, sampleRate: float64 = 48_000.0): TiltFilter =
let sampleRateX3 = 3.0 * sampleRate
case mode:
# These are the gains for the slopes when math happens later
of fmLowPass:
result.lowGain = exp(0.0 / amp) - 1.0
result.highGain = exp(slopeNeg / amp) - 1.0
of fmBandPass:
result.lowGain = exp(0.0 / amp) - 1.0
result.highGain = exp(slopeNeg / amp) - 1.0
of fmHighPass:
result.lowGain = exp(slopeNeg / amp) - 1.0
result.highGain = exp(0.0 / amp) - 1.0
let omega = 2.0 * PI * centerFreq
let n = 1.0 / (scaleRange(steepness, 0.98, 1.2) * (sampleRateX3 + omega))
result.a = 2.0 * omega * n
result.bandALow = result.a
result.bandAHigh = result.a
result.b = (sampleRateX3 - omega) * n
result.bandBLow = result.b
result.bandBHigh = result.b
result.lpOut = 0.0
result.bandOutLow = 0.0
result.bandOutHigh = 0.0
result.centerFreq = centerFreq
result.sampleRateX3 = sampleRateX3
result.steepness = steepness
result.sampleRate = sampleRate
result.mode = mode
result.needsUpdate = true
proc setMode*(self: var TiltFilter, mode: FilterMode) =
if mode != self.mode:
self.mode = mode
self.needsUpdate = true
proc setCenterFreq*(self: var TiltFilter, value: float) =
let freq = value.clamp(minFreq, maxFreq)
if freq != self.centerFreq:
self.centerFreq = freq
self.needsUpdate = true
proc setSteepness*(self: var TiltFilter, value: float) =
let steepness = value.clamp(0.0, 1.0)
if steepness != self.steepness:
self.steepness = steepness
self.needsUpdate = true
proc setSampleRate*(self: var TiltFilter, sampleRate: float) =
if sampleRate != self.sampleRate:
self.sampleRate = sampleRate
self.sampleRateX3 = self.sampleRate * 3.0
self.needsUpdate = true
proc reset*(self: var TiltFilter) =
proc update*(self: var TiltFilter) =
if self.needsUpdate:
case self.mode:
of fmLowPass:
let omega = 2.0 * PI * self.centerFreq
let n = 1.0 / (scaleRange(self.steepness, 0.98, 1.2) * (self.sample_rate_x3 + omega))
self.b = (self.sampleRateX3 - omega) * n
self.lowGain = exp(0.0 / amp) - 1.0
self.highGain = exp(slopeNeg / amp) - 1.0
of fmBandPass:
let width = self.steepness * self.steepness * 500.0
let lowOmega = 2.0 * PI * (self.centerFreq - width).clamp(20.0, 16_000.0)
let lowN = 1.0 / (scaleRange(self.steepness, 0.98, 1.2) * (self.sampleRateX3 + lowOmega))
self.bandALow = 2.0 * lowOmega * lowN
self.bandBLow = (self.sampleRateX3 - lowOmega) * lowN
let highOmega = 2.0 * PI * (self.centerFreq + width).clamp(20.0, 16_000.0);
let highN = 1.0 / (scaleRange(self.steepness, 0.98, 1.2) * (self.sampleRateX3 + highOmega))
self.bandAHigh = 2.0 * highOmega * highN
self.bandBHigh = (self.sampleRateX3 - highOmega) * highN
self.lowGain = exp(0.0 / amp) - 1.0
self.highGain = exp(slopeNeg / amp) - 1.0
of fmHighPass:
let omega = 2.0 * PI * self.centerFreq
let n = 1.0 / (scaleRange(self.steepness, 0.98, 1.2) * (self.sampleRateX3 + omega))
self.a = 2.0 * omega * n
self.b = (self.sampleRateX3 - omega) * n
self.lowGain = exp(slopeNeg / amp) - 1.0
self.highGain = exp(0.0 / amp) - 1.0
self.needsUpdate = false
## Process the input sample using the tilt filter
proc process*(self: var TiltFilter, sample: float): float =
if self.mode == fmBandPass:
self.bandOutLow = self.bandALow * sample + self.bandBLow * self.bandOutLow
let temp = sample + self.highGain * self.bandOutLow + self.lowGain * (sample - self.bandOutLow)
self.bandOutHigh = self.bandAHigh * temp + self.bandBHigh * self.bandOutHigh
result = temp + self.lowGain * self.bandOutHigh + self.highGain * (temp - self.bandOutHigh) + denorm
self.lpOut = self.a * sample + self.b * self.lpOut;
result = sample + self.lowGain * self.lpOut + self.highGain * (sample - self.lpOut) + denorm