
116 lines
3.1 KiB

import std/os except commandLineParams
import std/strformat
# Package definition
version = "0.1.0"
author = "Christopher Arndt"
description = "A Nim library for writing audio and MIDI plugins conforming to the LV2 standard"
license = "MIT"
srcDir = "src"
# Dependencies
requires "nim >= 2.0"
# Custom tasks
type Example = tuple
name: string
uri: string
source: string
bundle: string
dll: string
const examples = to_table({
"amp": "urn:nymph:examples:amp",
"multimode_filter": "urn:nymph:examples:multimode-filter",
proc parseArgs(): tuple[options: seq[string], args: seq[string]] =
## Parse task specific command line arguments into option switches and positional arguments
for arg in commandLineParams:
if arg[0] == '-': # -d:foo or --define:foo
proc getExample(task_name: string): Example =
let (_, args) = parseArgs()
if args.len == 0:
quit(&"Usage: nimble {task_name} <example name>")
result.name = changeFileExt(args[^1], "")
let examplesDir = thisDir() / "examples"
result.source = examplesDir / changeFileExt(result.name, "nim")
if not fileExists(result.source):
quit(&"Example '{result.name}' not found.")
result.uri = examples.getOrDefault(result.name)
if result.uri == "":
quit(&"Plugin URI for example '{result.name}' not set.")
result.bundle = examplesDir / changeFileExt(result.name, "lv2")
result.dll = result.bundle / toDll(result.name)
task build_ex, "Build given example plugin":
let ex = getExample("build_ex")
switch("app", "lib")
switch("noMain", "on")
switch("mm", "arc")
switch("out", ex.dll)
when not defined(release) and not defined(debug):
echo &"Compiling plugin {ex.name} in release mode."
switch("define", "release")
switch("opt", "speed")
switch("define", "lto")
switch("define", "strip")
setCommand("compile", ex.source)
task lv2lint, "Run lv2lint check on given example plugin":
let ex = getExample("lv2lint")
if fileExists(ex.dll):
exec(&"lv2lint -s NimMain -I \"{ex.bundle}\" \"{ex.uri}\"")
echo &"Example '{ex.name}' shared library not found. Use task 'build_ex' to build it."
task lv2bm, "Run lv2bm benchmark on given example plugin":
let ex = getExample("lv2bm")
if ex.uri == "":
echo &"Plugin URI for example '{ex.name}' not set."
if fileExists(ex.dll):
let lv2_path = getEnv("LV2_PATH")
let tempLv2Dir = thisDir() / ".lv2"
let bundleLink = tempLv2Dir / changeFileExt(ex.name, "lv2")
exec(&"ln -s \"{ex.bundle}\" \"{bundleLink}\"")
if lv2_path == "":
putEnv("LV2_PATH", tempLv2Dir)
putEnv("LV2_PATH", tempLv2Dir & ":" & lv2_path)
exec(&"lv2bm --full-test -i white \"{ex.uri}\"")
echo &"Example '{ex.name}' shared library not found. Use task 'build_ex' to build it."