# jacket A [Nim] wrapper for the [JACK] [C API] ## Project status This software is in *alpha status* and has no official release yet. The majority of JACK client APIs have been wrapped and are functional (see [examples]), but some APIs (e.g. threading and ringbuffers) still need wrapping. Others, like the server control or the deprecated session API, will probably not covered by these bindings. While this project is in alpha or beta stage, symbol names may still be changed and things moved around before the first public release. Also, I plan to add a higher-level abstraction on top of the direct mapping from Nim procs and types to C functions and types, probably in the form of a JACK client object, which takes care of creating a JACK client instance, registering ports and setting up all the callbacks necessary for a well-behaved JACK application. ## Installation * Clone this repository. * Change into the `jacket` directory. * Run [`nimble install`] (or `nimble develop`). * Run the examples with `nim compile --run examples/.nim` (some also need `--threads:on`). ## License This software is released under the *MIT License*. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for more information. [`nimble install`]: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble#nimble-usage [C API]: https://jackaudio.org/api/ [examples]: ./examples [JACK]: https://jackaudio.org/ [Nim]: https://nim-lang.org/