refactor: remove superfluous semicolons from end of comments

Signed-off-by: Christopher Arndt <>
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Arndt 2023-05-22 07:10:40 +02:00
parent 6e2dab78fe
commit 7ff56ac688

View File

@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ type
# ----------------------------- Version info ------------------------------
# void jack_get_version(int *major_ptr, int *minor_ptr, int *micro_ptr, int *proto_ptr) ;
# void jack_get_version(int *major_ptr, int *minor_ptr, int *micro_ptr, int *proto_ptr)
proc getVersion*(major: ptr cint; minor: ptr cint; micro: ptr cint; proto: ptr cint) {.importc: "jack_get_version".}
# const char * jack_get_version_string(void) ;
# const char * jack_get_version_string(void)
proc getVersionString*(): cstring {.importc: "jack_get_version_string".}
# --------------------------- Memory management ---------------------------
# void jack_free(void* ptr) ;
# void jack_free(void* ptr)
proc free*(`ptr`: pointer) {.importc: "jack_free".}
@ -129,29 +129,29 @@ proc free*(`ptr`: pointer) {.importc: "jack_free".}
# jack_client_t * jack_client_open (char *client_name,
# jack_options_t options,
# jack_status_t *status, ...) ;
# jack_status_t *status, ...)
proc clientOpen*(clientName: cstring; options: cint; status: ptr cint): ClientP {.
varargs, importc: "jack_client_open".}
# proc clientNew*(clientName: cstring): ClientP {.importc: "jack_client_new".}
# int jack_client_close (jack_client_t *client) ;
# int jack_client_close (jack_client_t *client)
proc clientClose*(client: ClientP): cint {.importc: "jack_client_close"}
# int jack_client_name_size (void) ;
# int jack_client_name_size (void)
proc clientNameSize*(): cint {.importc: "jack_client_name_size"}
# char * jack_get_client_name (jack_client_t *client) ;
# char * jack_get_client_name (jack_client_t *client)
proc getClientName*(client: ClientP): cstring {.importc: "jack_get_client_name".}
# char *jack_get_uuid_for_client_name (jack_client_t *client,
# const char *client_name) ;
# const char *client_name)
proc getUuidForClientName*(client: ClientP; clientName: cstring): cstring {.
importc: "jack_get_uuid_for_client_name".}
# char *jack_get_client_name_by_uuid (jack_client_t *client,
# const char *client_uuid ) ;
# const char *client_uuid )
proc getClientNameByUuid*(client: ClientP; clientUuid: cstring): cstring {.
importc: "jack_get_client_name_by_uuid".}
@ -162,31 +162,31 @@ proc internalClientNew*(clientName: cstring; loadName: cstring; loadInit: cstrin
proc internalClientClose*(clientName: cstring) {.importc: "jack_internal_client_close".}
# int jack_activate (jack_client_t *client) ;
# int jack_activate (jack_client_t *client)
proc activate*(client: ClientP): cint {.importc: "jack_activate".}
# int jack_deactivate (jack_client_t *client) ;
# int jack_deactivate (jack_client_t *client)
proc deactivate*(client: ClientP): cint {.importc: "jack_deactivate".}
# int jack_get_client_pid (const char *name) ;
# int jack_get_client_pid (const char *name)
proc getClientPid*(name: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_get_client_pid".}
# FIXME: not implemented yet
# jack_native_thread_t jack_client_thread_id (jack_client_t *client) ;
# jack_native_thread_t jack_client_thread_id (jack_client_t *client)
# proc clientThreadId*(client: ClientP): NativeThread {.
# importc: "jack_client_thread_id".}
# int jack_is_realtime (jack_client_t *client) ;
# int jack_is_realtime (jack_client_t *client)
proc isRealtime*(client: ClientP): cint {.importc: "jack_is_realtime".}
# proc threadWait*(client: ClientP; status: cint): NFrames {.
# importc: "jack_thread_wait".}
# jack_nframes_t jack_cycle_wait (jack_client_t* client) ;
# jack_nframes_t jack_cycle_wait (jack_client_t* client)
proc cycleWait*(client: ClientP): NFrames {.importc: "jack_cycle_wait".}
# void jack_cycle_signal (jack_client_t* client, int status) ;
# void jack_cycle_signal (jack_client_t* client, int status)
proc cycleSignal*(client: ClientP; status: cint) {.importc: "jack_cycle_signal".}
@ -242,23 +242,23 @@ proc setLatencyCallback*(client: ClientP; latencyCallback: JackLatencyCallback;
# -------------------------- Server Client Control ------------------------
# int jack_set_freewheel(jack_client_t* client, int onoff) ;
# int jack_set_freewheel(jack_client_t* client, int onoff)
proc setFreewheel*(client: ClientP; onoff: cint): cint {.importc: "jack_set_freewheel".}
# int jack_set_buffer_size (jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t nframes) ;
# int jack_set_buffer_size (jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t nframes)
proc setBufferSize*(client: ClientP; nframes: NFrames): cint {.importc: "jack_set_buffer_size".}
#jack_nframes_t jack_get_sample_rate (jack_client_t *) ;
#jack_nframes_t jack_get_sample_rate (jack_client_t *)
proc getSampleRate*(client: ClientP): NFrames {.importc: "jack_get_sample_rate".}
# jack_nframes_t jack_get_buffer_size (jack_client_t *) ;
# jack_nframes_t jack_get_buffer_size (jack_client_t *)
proc getBufferSize*(client: ClientP): NFrames {.importc: "jack_get_buffer_size".}
# proc engineTakeoverTimebase*(a1: ClientP): cint {.
# importc: "jack_engine_takeover_timebase".}
# float jack_cpu_load (jack_client_t *client) ;
# float jack_cpu_load (jack_client_t *client)
proc cpuLoad*(client: ClientP): cfloat {.importc: "jack_cpu_load".}
@ -268,53 +268,53 @@ proc cpuLoad*(client: ClientP): cfloat {.importc: "jack_cpu_load".}
# const char *port_name,
# const char *port_type,
# unsigned long flags,
# unsigned long buffer_size) ;
# unsigned long buffer_size)
proc portRegister*(client: ClientP; portName: cstring; portType: cstring;
flags: culong; bufferSize: culong): PortP {.importc: "jack_port_register".}
# int jack_port_unregister (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_t *port) ;
# int jack_port_unregister (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_t *port)
proc portUnregister*(client: ClientP; port: PortP): cint {.importc: "jack_port_unregister".}
# void * jack_port_get_buffer (jack_port_t *port, jack_nframes_t) ;
# void * jack_port_get_buffer (jack_port_t *port, jack_nframes_t)
proc portGetBuffer*(port: PortP; nframes: NFrames): pointer {.importc: "jack_port_get_buffer".}
# jack_uuid_t jack_port_uuid (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# jack_uuid_t jack_port_uuid (const jack_port_t *port)
proc portUuid*(port: PortP): Uuid {.importc: "jack_port_uuid".}
# const char * jack_port_name (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# const char * jack_port_name (const jack_port_t *port)
proc portName*(port: PortP): cstring {.importc: "jack_port_name".}
# const char * jack_port_short_name (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# const char * jack_port_short_name (const jack_port_t *port)
proc portShortName*(port: PortP): cstring {.importc: "jack_port_short_name".}
# int jack_port_flags (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# int jack_port_flags (const jack_port_t *port)
proc portFlags*(port: PortP): cint {.importc: "jack_port_flags".}
# const char * jack_port_type (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# const char * jack_port_type (const jack_port_t *port)
proc portType*(port: PortP): cstring {.importc: "jack_port_type".}
# jack_port_type_id_t jack_port_type_id (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# jack_port_type_id_t jack_port_type_id (const jack_port_t *port)
proc portTypeId*(port: PortP): PortTypeId {.importc: "jack_port_type_id".}
# int jack_port_is_mine (const jack_client_t *client, const jack_port_t *port) ;
# int jack_port_is_mine (const jack_client_t *client, const jack_port_t *port)
proc portIsMine*(client: ClientP; port: PortP): cint {.
importc: "jack_port_is_mine".}
# int jack_port_connected (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# int jack_port_connected (const jack_port_t *port)
proc portConnected*(port: PortP): cint {.importc: "jack_port_connected".}
# int jack_port_connected_to (const jack_port_t *port,
# const char *port_name) ;
# const char *port_name)
proc portConnectedTo*(port: PortP; portName: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_port_connected_to".}
# const char ** jack_port_get_connections (const jack_port_t *port) ;
# const char ** jack_port_get_connections (const jack_port_t *port)
# CAVEAT: The caller is responsible for calling jack_free() on any non-NULL
# returned value.
proc portGetConnections*(port: PortP): cstringArray {.importc: "jack_port_get_connections".}
# const char ** jack_port_get_all_connections (const jack_client_t *client,
# const jack_port_t *port) ;
# const jack_port_t *port)
# CAVEAT: The caller is responsible for calling jack_free() on any non-NULL
# returned value.
@ -329,55 +329,55 @@ proc portUntie*(port: PortP): cint {.importc: "jack_port_untie".}
proc portSetName*(port: PortP; portName: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_port_set_name".}
# int jack_port_rename (jack_client_t* client, jack_port_t *port, const char *port_name) ;
# int jack_port_rename (jack_client_t* client, jack_port_t *port, const char *port_name)
proc portRename*(client: ClientP; port: PortP; portName: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_port_rename".}
# int jack_port_set_alias (jack_port_t *port, const char *alias) ;
# int jack_port_set_alias (jack_port_t *port, const char *alias)
proc portSetAlias*(port: PortP; alias: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_port_set_alias".}
# int jack_port_unset_alias (jack_port_t *port, const char *alias) ;
# int jack_port_unset_alias (jack_port_t *port, const char *alias)
proc portUnsetAlias*(port: PortP; alias: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_port_unset_alias".}
# int jack_port_get_aliases (const jack_port_t *port, char* const aliases[2]) ;
# int jack_port_get_aliases (const jack_port_t *port, char* const aliases[2])
proc portGetAliases*(port: PortP; aliases: array[2, cstring]): cint {.importc: "jack_port_get_aliases".}
#int jack_port_request_monitor (jack_port_t *port, int onoff) ;
#int jack_port_request_monitor (jack_port_t *port, int onoff)
proc portRequestMonitor*(port: PortP; onoff: cint): cint {.importc: "jack_port_request_monitor".}
# int jack_port_request_monitor_by_name (jack_client_t *client,
# const char *port_name, int onoff) ;
# const char *port_name, int onoff)
proc portRequestMonitorByName*(client: ClientP; portName: cstring; onoff: cint): cint {.
importc: "jack_port_request_monitor_by_name".}
# int jack_port_ensure_monitor (jack_port_t *port, int onoff) ;
# int jack_port_ensure_monitor (jack_port_t *port, int onoff)
proc portEnsureMonitor*(port: PortP; onoff: cint): cint {.
importc: "jack_port_ensure_monitor".}
# int jack_port_monitoring_input (jack_port_t *port) ;
# int jack_port_monitoring_input (jack_port_t *port)
proc portMonitoringInput*(port: PortP): cint {.importc: "jack_port_monitoring_input".}
# ------------------------------ Connections ------------------------------
# int jack_connect (jack_client_t *client,
# const char *source_port,
# const char *destination_port) ;
# const char *destination_port)
proc connect*(client: ClientP; srcPort: cstring; destPort: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_connect".}
# int jack_disconnect (jack_client_t *client,
# const char *source_port,
# const char *destination_port) ;
# const char *destination_port)
proc disconnect*(client: ClientP; srcPort: cstring; destPort: cstring): cint {.importc: "jack_disconnect".}
# int jack_port_disconnect (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_t *port) ;
# int jack_port_disconnect (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_t *port)
proc portDisconnect*(client: ClientP; port: PortP): cint {.importc: "jack_port_disconnect".}
# int jack_port_name_size(void) ;
# int jack_port_name_size(void)
proc portNameSize*(): cint {.importc: "jack_port_name_size".}
# int jack_port_type_size(void) ;
# int jack_port_type_size(void)
proc portTypeSize*(): cint {.importc: "jack_port_type_size".}
# size_t jack_port_type_get_buffer_size (jack_client_t *client, const char *port_type) ;
# size_t jack_port_type_get_buffer_size (jack_client_t *client, const char *port_type)
proc portTypeGetBufferSize*(client: ClientP; portType: cstring): csize_t {.
importc: "jack_port_type_get_buffer_size".}
@ -410,17 +410,15 @@ proc midiGetLostEventCount*(portBuffer: pointer): uint32 {.importc: "jack_midi_g
# -------------------------------- Latency --------------------------------
#[ FIXME: not implemented yet
# void jack_port_set_latency (jack_port_t *port, jack_nframes_t) ;
# void jack_port_set_latency (jack_port_t *port, jack_nframes_t)
proc portSetLatency*(port: PortP; a2: NFrames) {.importc: "jack_port_set_latency".}
#[ FIXME: not implemented yet
# void jack_port_get_latency_range (jack_port_t *port, jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode, jack_latency_range_t *range) ;
# void jack_port_get_latency_range (jack_port_t *port, jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode, jack_latency_range_t *range)
proc portGetLatencyRange*(port: PortP; mode: LatencyCallbackMode;
range: ptr LatencyRange) {.importc: "jack_port_get_latency_range".}
proc portSetLatencyRange*(port: PortP; mode: LatencyCallbackMode;
range: ptr LatencyRange) {.importc: "jack_port_set_latency_range".}
proc recomputeTotalLatencies*(client: ClientP): cint {.importc: "jack_recompute_total_latencies".}
@ -436,46 +434,46 @@ proc recomputeTotalLatency*(a1: ClientP; port: PortP): cint {.importc: "jack_rec
# const char ** jack_get_ports (jack_client_t *client,
# const char *port_name_pattern,
# const char *type_name_pattern,
# unsigned long flags) ;
# unsigned long flags)
# CAVEAT: The caller is responsible for calling jack_free() on any non-NULL
# returned value.
proc getPorts*(client: ClientP; portNamePattern: cstring;
typeNamePattern: cstring; flags: culong): cstringArray {.importc: "jack_get_ports".}
# jack_port_t * jack_port_by_name (jack_client_t *client, const char *port_name) ;
# jack_port_t * jack_port_by_name (jack_client_t *client, const char *port_name)
proc portByName*(client: ClientP; portName: cstring): PortP {.importc: "jack_port_by_name".}
# jack_port_t * jack_port_by_id (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_id_t port_id) ;
# jack_port_t * jack_port_by_id (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_id_t port_id)
proc portById*(client: ClientP; portId: PortId): PortP {.importc: "jack_port_by_id".}
# ----------------------------- Time handling -----------------------------
# jack_nframes_t jack_frames_since_cycle_start (const jack_client_t *) ;
# jack_nframes_t jack_frames_since_cycle_start (const jack_client_t *)
proc framesSinceCycleStart*(client: ClientP): NFrames {.importc: "jack_frames_since_cycle_start".}
# jack_nframes_t jack_frame_time (const jack_client_t *) ;
# jack_nframes_t jack_frame_time (const jack_client_t *)
proc frameTime*(client: ClientP): NFrames {.importc: "jack_frame_time".}
# jack_nframes_t jack_last_frame_time (const jack_client_t *client) ;
# jack_nframes_t jack_last_frame_time (const jack_client_t *client)
proc lastFrameTime*(client: ClientP): NFrames {.importc: "jack_last_frame_time".}
# int jack_get_cycle_times(const jack_client_t *client,
# jack_nframes_t *current_frames,
# jack_time_t *current_usecs,
# jack_time_t *next_usecs,
# float *period_usecs) ;
# float *period_usecs)
proc getCycleTimes*(client: ClientP; currentFrames: ptr NFrames;
currentUsecs: ptr Time; nextUsecs: ptr Time;
periodUsecs: ptr cfloat): cint {.importc: "jack_get_cycle_times".}
# jack_time_t jack_frames_to_time(const jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t) ;
# jack_time_t jack_frames_to_time(const jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t)
proc framesToTime*(client: ClientP; nframes: NFrames): Time {.importc: "jack_frames_to_time".}
# jack_nframes_t jack_time_to_frames(const jack_client_t *client, jack_time_t) ;
# jack_nframes_t jack_time_to_frames(const jack_client_t *client, jack_time_t)
proc timeToFrames*(client: ClientP; time: Time): NFrames {.importc: "jack_time_to_frames".}
# jack_time_t jack_get_time(void) ;
# jack_time_t jack_get_time(void)
proc getTime*(): Time {.importc: "jack_get_time".}
# ---------------------------- Error handling -----------------------------